Friday, May 23, 2014

Hiking: Best Food to Bring

For nature trips, mountain hiking is mostly preferred by first-timers. Fewer preparations, less equipment needed and usually lasts only for a few hours or a day. This is best for people who can only allot one or two days’ worth of time off from work or other activities they are busy with. Hiking is absolutely not hard but there are still things you need to consider. Hiking is a physical activity and you have to bring the proper type of food to give you ample energy for the trip. Always remember the essentials – food with carbohydrates and proteins such as dairy and fresh produce.

For breakfast and lunch –  Since most hiking trips don’t last a full day, you can have breakfast on the first stop. Cereals or oatmeal are good for starters, especially when mixed with powdered milk. Milk is a good source of calcium and Vitamin D, so this will help a lot. You can also bring crackers, peanuts or other food that you can eat along the way. Canned goods are also good enough such as pork & beans, tuna and the like. Don’t just bring too many of them as they are heavy in larger quantities, at least 3 small canned goods per companion.

Fruits – Bring bananas, apples or dried fruits such as mangoes. Compared to chips, fruits don’t only provide more energy for your body to store – it gives you an “absolute feeling” of being filled. Eating chips or other junk food will make you hungry again in no time.

Dairy and others – Protein-rich food like cheese gives you that extra energy boost. This is the same with energy bars or chocolate snacks. This keeps you up and running for that long hike. Bring sufficient amount of water, minimum should be 2-3 liters at one trip or a gallon at the most. Your group may encounter rivers, streams and lakes but still your guide will consider them as contaminated – do not take the risk. Bring a portable stove, a medium sized pan and a spatula for meals that you will be cooking. Prevent leaving trash along the trail – bring specifically designed bags for garbage, snap lock bags for perishable food and tissues just in case “nature calls.”

Philippines Hiking is a good escape from the busy city life; it brings you a step closer to nature. However, for the experience to be enjoyable, stack up on the proper food. An ample source of energy will never make you feel tired and will not spoil your escape with nature.

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